33-35% Fat

Spray Drying
White to slightly cream
Non-dairy creamer with 33-35% fat content that imparts a slightly sweet flavour and adds mouthfeel to the finished product. Non-dairy creamers require fat to increase creaminess along with enhancing consistency and solubility.

Non-dairy creamers are made by first combining and emulsifying all of the ingredients, then homogenizing and pasteurizing the mixture to limit the occurrence number of microorganisms. The mixture is then spray-dried to turn it from liquid to powder. After that, the powder is filtrated, screened with a metal detector, packed, and kept in the warehouses.

Additional Information

The non-dairy creamer is comprised of sodium caseinate, a protein-rich milk derivative. It is ideal for a coffee mate, milk tea instant oatmeal, cakes, biscuits, ice cream cold/acid beverage, milk replacer, fat-filled milk powder, cheese powder, and so on because it can improve the internal organization of food, boost the toughening fat, and offer a delicate taste.