30-31% Fat

Spray Drying
White to slightly cream
Non-dairy creamer 30-31% fat is the most commonly comprised of glucose syrup or maltodextrin which accounts for over 60%.

The non-dairy creamer production method starts with vacuum mixing and emulsifying all of the ingredients, which include minor ingredients, glucose, powder dosing, and vegetable oil dosing, followed by pasteurization to limit the number of germs in the mixture. The mixture is then spray-dried to turn it from liquid to powder.It is a bulking agent that aids in the control or modification of total solids content. It also adds a mild sweetness to the finished product and improves mouthfeel. Creaminess, milkiness, texture, and flavour balance are all given by non-dairy creamers.

Additional Information

The non-dairy creamer is sterile and contains a significant amount of milk components. It's a granular, slightly white powder that's easily soluble in hot water and has excellent whitening properties to bring out the best in hot beverages. Consumers with lactose intolerance and those who avoid milk for various reasons will benefit most from the non-dairy creamer.